Showing 5 result(s)

Kraken Party – Director

Kraken Party is a company I set up to work on fun and unique multiplayer experiences. Alongside developing our next project I’m also available to consult via the company. If you need any support with your networked please get in touch! Email:

TerraTech (PC, Xbox One, PS4) – Programmer

TerraTech is a creative sandbox game where you control a tech which can be adapted for your every need. You start the game as a small vehicle with only a few blocks, wheels and a small gun at your disposal. You must complete missions and harvest resources to receive new blocks, all while fighting off enemy …

Ludum Dare 40: Catamari

Catamari is a game about being a cat and finding sausages to eat. The more you consume, the bigger you get making it harder to move about and fit in to tight spaces. I worked with two artists from Inertia games over 48 hours on this game. The project is made in Unity3D and we …